This is a text supplement to the video found here.
I’d like to thank Brad Jones for his cameo that he was unaware he was making in my video. And for anyone wondering how I managed to call the Cinema Snob in the past: it has been well established that he actually has a time phone and can receive and send calls through time. In all seriousness, though, check out his stuff at The Cinema Snob and at That Guy With the Glasses.
As for Frankenstein, as much as I recommend that book, which is a lot, I do not suggest getting the copy I was holding. It’s a Penguin Classics edition and Penguin has this annoying habit of slightly editing the classics they publish. I guess it’s to appeal to a modern audience or some such, I don’t know. All I know is that it is highly annoying and I’d wish they’d stop.
Actually, on a somewhat related note, that copy of The Mummy! I have there is highly abridged missing something along the lines of a few hundred pages because the publishers felt the original manuscript was just too long to publish. That is the first publishing of that book in over a hundred years. It is basically impossible to find an unabridged version of it currently. I suggest all fans of classics and people who are against editing the work of people long dead contact the publishers and convince them to release this forgotten piece of science fiction and modern English literary history complete. I’m sure it may be a rambling tale that may have been able to be told more concisely, but I am always against an editor, or publisher, making that judgment completely without the input of an author.
This may have a lot to do with me being an author myself, but I’m not about to suggest that people have unbiased opinions. Besides, no matter what you do, would you want someone coming in long after your death and fiddling around with it, then distributing it to the masses?