Expendables Supplemental

This is supplemental material to the video found here.

If you ever find yourself in a situation that you can say of a work “At least the other rapes drove the plot”, you’re probably not reading a classic work of high literature. You’re probably not reading something fit to be made into firestarters.

For anyone who may argue that the racism and sexism was not outlandish in the book considering the date of creation, trust me I read mostly works from the 70’s, this is ludicrous. Heinlein was writing by 1975. The overt sexism in this book is something from a decade prior, and the racism including the slave dialect is a good hundred years out of date. Seriously, I’m with Dave Chappelle. I’d love to see him travel back in time and shoot this idiot. Or maybe forward in time, since this is science fiction. It does wisely not give the book a “2000” date.

By the way, I am completely serious about my statement at the end. If I get those books, expect a review. I may not be looking forward to that task, but I will NOT be defeated by this trite. If you have them and want to send them to me, send me an email at irrehensibletj@yahoo.com and I’ll tell you how to get them to me.

Sidenote: I am currently reading a book by an English author and it is actually quite good. I guess doing this review broke that curse.

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