Fantastic Four Supplement

This is a text supplement to the video found here.

This movie I sincerely think is a terrible, terrible film. As I said in the credits, I never saw Silver Surfer and that’s because I saw this movie and, well: burn me once, shame on you; burn me twice, shame on me. Same reason I have yet to see either of the Transformers sequels, I saw the first one.

Anyone wondering about that gag at the beginning with the Rodger Corman Fantastic Four, yes, it’s a silly movie. It’s a late Corman movie, what do you expect? It, however, is at least a fun stupid movie and not an excruciating one like this monstrosity. I really feel like I shouldn’t have to tell Hollywood that the Fantastic Four aren’t Spider-Man and that they aren’t Friends.

There is one thing that I didn’t get in to in the video because it would have made it double the length, and that is Alicia Masters. She is personally one of my favorite characters in not only the Fantastic Four, but much of the Marvel Universe and I could have written a dissertation on what I found wrong with her in the movie, for the two scenes she was in totaling what couldn’t be more than a minute’s time. I’m not going to get into all of it here either, but it’s sufficient to say I’m not a fan of that portrayal.

On a similar subject, the very idea of the Ben Grimm in this movie actually being cured and deciding to change back and then being okay with now being the Thing is so inexplicable and poorly written it’s mind-boggling. Furthermore, the device to fix him worked! It only needs more power. I realize that Doom used his magic to power it, but Reed most certainly can make a generator to make far more power than that. Oh well, I guess bad writing is the name of the game here.

Oh, for any of you who didn’t get that joke at the start of the video, I’d suggest looking at Linkara’s videos, there’s a lot of great stuff on there. His comic reviews, Atop the Forth Wall, can be found here. And for something else fun, here you can find a retrospective he’s doing on the Power Rangers series.

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