U.S.S. Thanksgiving Supplemental

This is a text supplement to the video found here.

Okay, seriously people.

While driving today, I heard an ad where they were PROMOTING the idea of making Black Friday, Black Friday, Saturday and Sunday. But, that was one of the sane ones. Another was starting their doorbusters at Midnight, as in 12 o’clock AM.

Look, I may be a bit of a stickler when it comes to the day and the clock, but midnight on Thanksgiving is still freaking Thanksgiving, NOT Black Friday. But, Kroger takes the cake on this one by actually starting ON Thanksgiving. No, not a nebulous almost-Friday time just beating out the midnight one, their doorbusters are at 6 AM on Thanksgiving itself.

Wow. Seriously, people. Do not, I repeat DO NOT go shopping on Thanksgiving itself. If you seriously have to do these crazy deals, at least wait until Friday, which starts at least at 2 in the morning.

I don’t understand how anyone has Thanksgiving dinner and then wakes up the next day, let alone 7 hours later. This stuff is just ludicrous. Okay, soapboxing over. Hope your holidays are jolly!

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Expendables Supplemental

This is supplemental material to the video found here.

If you ever find yourself in a situation that you can say of a work “At least the other rapes drove the plot”, you’re probably not reading a classic work of high literature. You’re probably not reading something fit to be made into firestarters.

For anyone who may argue that the racism and sexism was not outlandish in the book considering the date of creation, trust me I read mostly works from the 70’s, this is ludicrous. Heinlein was writing by 1975. The overt sexism in this book is something from a decade prior, and the racism including the slave dialect is a good hundred years out of date. Seriously, I’m with Dave Chappelle. I’d love to see him travel back in time and shoot this idiot. Or maybe forward in time, since this is science fiction. It does wisely not give the book a “2000” date.

By the way, I am completely serious about my statement at the end. If I get those books, expect a review. I may not be looking forward to that task, but I will NOT be defeated by this trite. If you have them and want to send them to me, send me an email at irrehensibletj@yahoo.com and I’ll tell you how to get them to me.

Sidenote: I am currently reading a book by an English author and it is actually quite good. I guess doing this review broke that curse.

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U.S.S. Autumn Supplemental

This supplemental material to the video found here.

Yeah, I do hate Daylight Saving Time. One thing about me is I have always had a lot of dealing with Indiana, one of the few states in the Union that wasn’t silly and actually did not use Daylight Saving Time. That was, of course, until five years ago when I started to live here on a more permanent basis. And, of course, that was just in time to meet up with the absurdly long new version.

In all honesty, I was surprised when I found that DST may increase energy costs. I was expecting the idea that it saved energy being stupid, but that it could be actively counterproductive makes the fact that we still do it insane.

Let’s not also mention the physical problems that have convinced some nations to drop it. I just do not understand why people keep up with this. Oh well.

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Atom Age Vampire Supplemental

This is the text supplement to the video found here.

I’m a bit surprised on just how good I look in black and white. I should do that more often. Well, I guess that’s a good excuse to review more of these old black and white films. I own quite a few of them, as you can imagine.

Yes, the title of this movie was terribly misleading and just plain wrong. Not only is there really nothing Vampire about it, but the “Atom Age” thing is tenuous at best. I do not know why Topaz came up with that name. One might argue that it was a good business move since I wouldn’t have watched it if it weren’t for the title, but this movie has long since gone into the public domain.

Actually, I would like to thank the Internet Database. It’s a repository of basically any public domain works possible to find on the internet and where I found and got Atom Age Vampire. So, if you loved this video you can thank them, but if you hated it… that’s probably my fault. Sorry.

If anyone has a proper vampire story that also qualifies as a Pre-Regan Science Fiction, get it to me and I promise that I will do a review of it, at least the first one I get. If I get inundated with thousands I don’t think I could ever get through them all…

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Dr. Jekyll and the Werewolf Supplemental

This is a text supplement to the video found here.

You have no idea how disappointed I was when I got to the end of this movie and we did not get to see Hydewolf. I mean, come on. You had the set-up right there! When will there ever be such a good chance for that again? Bah, damn moviemakers have no idea what a golden opportunity they missed.

Then again, maybe it was scripted in and they never got around to shooting it, or it got edited out. There were clearly scenes that belong in that movie that weren’t there. Well, when you try to make a monster movie with a budget in the single digits, what are you going to do?

By the way, I purposely left a mistake in this video, let’s see who can find what it is. I’ll give you a hint, it’s near the end.

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Frankenstein Supplemental

This is a text supplement to the video found here.

I’d like to thank Brad Jones for his cameo that he was unaware he was making in my video. And for anyone wondering how I managed to call the Cinema Snob in the past: it has been well established that he actually has a time phone and can receive and send calls through time. In all seriousness, though, check out his stuff at The Cinema Snob and at That Guy With the Glasses.

As for Frankenstein, as much as I recommend that book, which is a lot, I do not suggest getting the copy I was holding. It’s a Penguin Classics edition and Penguin has this annoying habit of slightly editing the classics they publish. I guess it’s to appeal to a modern audience or some such, I don’t know. All I know is that it is highly annoying and I’d wish they’d stop.

Actually, on a somewhat related note, that copy of The Mummy! I have there is highly abridged missing something along the lines of a few hundred pages because the publishers felt the original manuscript was just too long to publish. That is the first publishing of that book in over a hundred years. It is basically impossible to find an unabridged version of it currently. I suggest all fans of classics and people who are against editing the work of people long dead contact the publishers and convince them to release this forgotten piece of science fiction and modern English literary history complete. I’m sure it may be a rambling tale that may have been able to be told more concisely, but I am always against an editor, or publisher, making that judgment completely without the input of an author.

This may have a lot to do with me being an author myself, but I’m not about to suggest that people have unbiased opinions. Besides, no matter what you do, would you want someone coming in long after your death and fiddling around with it, then distributing it to the masses?

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U.S.S. Conspiracy Supplemental

This is supplemental material to the video found here.

I was of course kidding with that order that I said in that video. Actually, to get the secret message you have to watch the videos in alphabetical order and each new video’s name is carefully chosen to fit exactly into the right place to change the code on a weekly basis.

And yes, my name of the video I do mean for the P.R.S.F. episodes the actual name of the episode which is found at the start of the credits, not the name on the top of the page.

Happy hunting!

I still cannot believe the fact that U.S.S. Birthday just so happened to be the 23rd video on the site. I mean, seriously, what were the odds? And I did not specifically choose 23 to do all this gobbledygook with; I really did turn 23 that week. Actually, because I uploaded the video before midnight, it actually went up on my birthday.

Oh, how I love serendipity: the concept, when it occurs and the John Cusack movie.

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Batman and Robin Supplemental

This is supplemental material to the video which can be found here.

Yes, this movie is just as bad as everyone says it is, but it’s actually a pretty fun bad. I know this is something you already know, but any bad movie fans who haven’t picked this one up, you totally should.

On a related note, I know I harked on Alicia Silverstone in this (because she really is that bad) but she isn’t the only woman in this movie not trying. Uma Thurman also didn’t even try to act, but at least she did it energetically. Still, Uma, what happened? You were in Even Cowgirls Get the Blues, you were in Pulp Fiction and Gattaca. Hell, one of your first movies was The Adventures of Baron Munchausen. I mean, not only was that a Terry Gilliam film, but you were seventeen and naked. Talk about a baptism by fire. What went wrong?

Speaking of Alicia’s terrible performance, I did not plan for this video to premier during the launch of DCnU: that was just lucky timing. So, to throw my two-cents in, I am against them taking Barbra out of the chair and making her Batgirl again. She was amazing as Oracle and that was such a brilliant character development for her; also, the fact that they cured the one really positive paraplegic superhero is borderline insulting and at the very least taking away a great thing from comics.

Also, I hear tell that DC decided to return Barbra to the position of Batgirl because they felt that all attempts to make a different woman Batgirl had failed. I’m sorry, did I miss something, or did Cassandra Cain happen? Nothing against Barbra, but I had over the years started to think of Cain first and foremost when thinking of Batgirl due much to how interesting her back-story is and how her character developed (and should have continued developing… but that’s a different rant).

This is nothing against the quality of the new Batgirl #1 as Gail Simone is almost without fail an amazing comic writer and she did a great job in developing on Barbra as someone who is now formerly paraplegic, but I just cannot get past the sheer idea of taking the woman who built herself up while in the confines of a wheelchair to become Oracle and reverting her back to the character she was nearly thirty years ago.

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Fantastic Four Supplement

This is a text supplement to the video found here.

This movie I sincerely think is a terrible, terrible film. As I said in the credits, I never saw Silver Surfer and that’s because I saw this movie and, well: burn me once, shame on you; burn me twice, shame on me. Same reason I have yet to see either of the Transformers sequels, I saw the first one.

Anyone wondering about that gag at the beginning with the Rodger Corman Fantastic Four, yes, it’s a silly movie. It’s a late Corman movie, what do you expect? It, however, is at least a fun stupid movie and not an excruciating one like this monstrosity. I really feel like I shouldn’t have to tell Hollywood that the Fantastic Four aren’t Spider-Man and that they aren’t Friends.

There is one thing that I didn’t get in to in the video because it would have made it double the length, and that is Alicia Masters. She is personally one of my favorite characters in not only the Fantastic Four, but much of the Marvel Universe and I could have written a dissertation on what I found wrong with her in the movie, for the two scenes she was in totaling what couldn’t be more than a minute’s time. I’m not going to get into all of it here either, but it’s sufficient to say I’m not a fan of that portrayal.

On a similar subject, the very idea of the Ben Grimm in this movie actually being cured and deciding to change back and then being okay with now being the Thing is so inexplicable and poorly written it’s mind-boggling. Furthermore, the device to fix him worked! It only needs more power. I realize that Doom used his magic to power it, but Reed most certainly can make a generator to make far more power than that. Oh well, I guess bad writing is the name of the game here.

Oh, for any of you who didn’t get that joke at the start of the video, I’d suggest looking at Linkara’s videos, there’s a lot of great stuff on there. His comic reviews, Atop the Forth Wall, can be found here. And for something else fun, here you can find a retrospective he’s doing on the Power Rangers series.

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Howard the Duck Supplemental

This is supplemental material to the video which can be found here.

I know as the sort of reviewer I am, I’m not supposed to admit such things, but I actually really enjoy Howard the Duck. Don’t get me wrong, every single thing I said was absolutely true and I didn’t cover all the stupidity in this movie, but it really is the fun kind of bad. It does drag a little at times, but that is more than made up for by just how unbelievably embarrassing the acting on Academy Award winner Tim Robbins is.

Actually, I remember reading once years ago that George Lucas had actually disowned this movie, but when I was researching for this review, I could not find him quoted as saying that anywhere anymore. In fact, most quotes from him are in defense of it. I’m quite positive that I recall him denouncing it because I remember as a kid finding it odd as I do like Howard the Duck and he has made much worse that he hadn’t disowned.

Maybe it’s like how every reference to Sam and Max Hit the Road vanished into thin air on the LucasArts site a few months after Sam and Max: Freelance Police was finally canceled. Maybe George Lucas has some pull over the internet at large and could wipe out all references to his former decrying of what is now a cult classic. Maybe I’ve just remembered things wrong, I don’t know. That’s why I left reference to it one way or the other out of the review.

You know, I am actually curious. Do places like Lava of Love actually exist in reality, or was that some sort of badly written social commentary… or just a terrible, nonsensical joke? Seriously, if anyone has an answer for that question, I’d love to hear it.

Man, one thing I wanted to mention but never had a good point to: the music in this movie is terrible. They keep playing music that doesn’t fit the mood at all, the 80’s rock is… bad 80’s rock and the Cherry Bombs aren’t good at all, and since they are kind of important to the plot, that’s pretty bad.

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